Start-up Company to be based in Lincolnton, NC
Start-up Company to be based in Lincolnton, NC
Technical Parts Manufacturing, Inc., supplier to local manufacturer
Lincolnton NC: Technical Parts Manufacturing, Inc. a start- up company will base their operations at 1443 E. Gaston Street in Lincolnton, NC in the lower portion of the facility Main Filter USA acquired earlier in the month. Specializing in custom die cutting, Technical Parts Manufacturing Inc. will be a supplier to Main Filter and will initially employ ten people. The start-up company has plans to be in full operation by the first quarter of 2012.
Brian Jasiek, Treasurer of Technical Parts Manufacturing, Inc., “We are excited to go forward in North Carolina; the people here have been warm, friendly and inviting. We hope that our future growth and presence in the community will be the springboard for other businesses to locate in Lincoln County. We are extremely happy with the building and location and plan to be here for a long time.”
LEDA Chairman, Tom Anderson, “This decision by Technical Parts Manufacturing to locate in Lincoln County in close proximity to its customer, Main Filter, is a clear indication of the tenant that success brings success. We welcome Technical Parts to the existing business community in Lincoln County and are encouraged by the employment opportunities they bring to the citizens of Lincoln County.”
“I am delighted Technical Parts Manufacturing Inc. decided to headquarter their plant in Lincolnton, NC; they will provide additional tax base that eases the tax burden on our citizens. This is a great opportunity for Lincolnton and Technical Parts,” says Mayor John Gilleland.
Alex Patton, Chairman of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners says, “We want to extend a warm welcome to Technical Parts, we appreciate you selecting Lincoln County for your business. We look forward to seeing you succeed and grow in our community.”
Technical Parts Manufacturing Inc. is the seventh announcement in the past twelve months for Lincoln County with an accumulative investment of over $92 million, providing over 400 jobs.
About LEDA
Lincoln Economic Development Association is a private, 501c(3) non-profit corporation charged with facilitating industrial and office development in Lincolnton and Lincoln County. LEDA’s mission is to foster an economic environment that promotes an enhancement of the standard of living by creating more and better jobs for the citizens of Lincolnton and Lincoln County and an increased and diversified tax base to provide needed community services. The organization’s goals include retention and expansion of existing business; attraction of diversified base industries, improvement of the overall business climate within Lincolnton and Lincoln County and growth of stage 2 entrepreneurial companies.