Dellinger Precast Brings an Investment of One and A Half Million Dollars to Lincoln County
According to owner Gary Dellinger, the pre cast facility will bring an investment of one and a half million dollars to Lincoln County.
The plant sits on a 29-acre tract of land north of Denver, North Carolina. The 22,500 square foot facility will produce pre cast concrete products. These products will include pre cast septic tanks, drainage boxes or catch basins, utility vaults, cattle bunk feeders, and grease traps. Dellinger expects to hire between five and ten new employees to bring the facility to full operation.
According to Dellinger, this pre cast facility will be one of the largest in the state. The size of the plant will allow employees to continue their work during inclement weather. Most pre cast facilities have to stop pouring the concrete molds with the arrival of rain and snow. They do not have adequate protection from the elements to allow the molds to properly set, therefore production is contingent upon the weather. The Dellinger Precast facility, however, is large enough to do all work “in-house,” thus resulting in no production down time. “The size and quality of the facility will ensure that production is more efficient and will result in a better quality product for our customers” Dellinger stated.
The expansion of existing industry is becoming increasingly more important to counties. Lincoln County Commissioner Larry Craig stated, “I am thankful that Gary Dellinger and family chose to expand their pre cast concrete manufacturing company in Lincoln County. This will provide much needed jobs, a greater tax base, and support our water and sewer system. This is a win-win situation for Lincoln County.”
For additional information on Dellinger Precast, contact owner Gary Dellinger at
704-483-2868. Contact Commissioner Craig at 828-428-9908.